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April 7, 2020

Rasmussen Reports Weekly Immigration Index - Week Ending April 2, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of March 29-April 2, 2020 stands at 98.7, little changed from 97.9 the week before. This is the third  week in a row the Index has fallen below the baseline, continuing to suggest that the coronavirus is impacting attitudes about allowing newcomers into the country.

April 6, 2020

39% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending April 2, 2020.

April 4, 2020

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending April 4, 2020

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

April 2, 2020

Trump’s Monthly Approval Down As Coronavirus Struggle Continues

When tracking President Trump’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results for Trump’s presidency can be seen in the graphics below.

March 31, 2020

Rasmussen Reports Weekly Immigration Index - Week Ending March 26, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of March 22-26, 2020 has dropped again - to 97.9, down from 99.6 the week before. Down for the second week in a row, the Index’s findings suggest that the coronavirus is beginning to impact attitudes about allowing newcomers into the country.

March 30, 2020

40% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty percent (40%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending March 26, 2020.

March 28, 2020

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending March 28, 2020

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

March 24, 2020

Rasmussen Reports Weekly Immigration Index - Week Ending March 19, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of March 15-19, 2020 has dropped for the second week in a row - to 99.6, down from 101.1 the week before.

March 23, 2020

40% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty percent (40%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending March 19, 2020.

March 21, 2020

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending March 21, 2020

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

March 17, 2020

Rasmussen Reports Weekly Immigration Index - Week Ending March 12, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of March 8-12, 2020 has edged back up to 101.1, from 100.3 the week before.

March 16, 2020

42% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-two percent (42%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending March 12, 2020.

March 14, 2020

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending March 14, 2020

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

March 10, 2020

Rasmussen Reports Weekly Immigration Index - Week Ending March 5, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of March 1-5, 2020 has fallen back to 100.3, from 101.6 the week before.

March 9, 2020

43% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-three percent (43%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending March 5, 2020.

March 7, 2020

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending March 7, 2020

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

March 3, 2020

Rasmussen Reports Weekly Immigration Index - Week Ending February 27, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of February 23-27, 2020 has risen to 101.6, from 99.7 the week before.

March 2, 2020

45% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-five percent (45%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending February 27, 2020.

February 29, 2020

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending February 29, 2020

In surveys last week, this is what America told Rasmussen Reports...

February 28, 2020

Trump’s Monthly Approval Up After Failed Impeachment Strategy

When tracking President Trump’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results for Trump’s presidency can be seen in the graphics below.